2nd & Primary SchOol

Today wake up so early ,8a.m already wake up~
Mayb the work time become my habit gua....automatic wake up=.="
Wake up so early somemore no work ,i really don know what to do !
Lie on my bed ,look at the box under the bookcase...
Oh....I can take some book to read hor !!!I wake up and go open the box~
Is a very big box actually..Can put many things and book inside !!
I looking the book form 1-form 5...I feel before i really waste alot time and money at the school..Have alot exercise book and notebook is blank !!
What i doing during form 1 to form 5 !!"bad boy"? or "Sleep King"?zZz
And i open the form 2 math exercise book ,how sad am i....I don know how to do !!
Shock me !!!Form 2 math i don know how to do ??!!!!!
Haizz...Really regret what i do before ,regret i din hear what my mum said =(
Speechless with all of this book....If i no open the box ,mayb i already forgot i got get this book before..SAD =(
I found a CD ,have some writing at the CD "6H photo 2005"
Opps....My Primary School photo !!How long i find this...Finally i found it :)
Countinues i put inside the DVD player and watch out the photo...
Omg..when i small (so fat+so black+so dai)xD
Cant believe that is me ,is damn black lor...same as now !!LOLx.........
Next and Next....Watch till end !Think to the previous ,my life is super easy~
School ,Sleep ,Play !!!Nothing to think...SUper enjoy and relax life leh~
UPSR also no care lor...PLAY nia~hehex..
I miss my primary school friends ,very very long time din meet them le !
Where you guys going ?Can we have a gathering with our teacher ?
Izit impossible ??!~mayb:(
If can i wanna back to primary school level 1 and start my life.....YEAH !!!
But......WAit long long lor....zZZ


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